Columba PIGEON photography
columba pigeon photography
Eye photos
The specialty of Columba Photography are the eye photos. We use professional lenses and lighting to make the photo of the eye as detailed en razor sharp as possible! Our eye photos are definitely the best you can find!
Pigeon photos
We ensure that your pigeon will be photographed as naturally as possible Columba Photography invested in knowledge and top hardware! By te way, have you see allready our 3D "freestyle" photos? Many pigeon fanciers appreciate this more natural way of photographing!
Website & Promo
Over the years we have built up the necessary knowledge regarding website management and development. Do you need a website to promote your colony? Please do not hesitate to contact us! Printed matter such as personalized pedigree cards are also possible!

Columba Photography freelance partner for everyone!
Are you looking for a freelance partner for assignments related to pigeon and eye photography for personal use or auctions, atmospheric photos, websites, … Then do not hesitate to contact us!