In 2021, the collaboration between Columba Photography and PIPA expanded. In addition to the visits to international / national winners (since 2018), Columba Photography will now also be able to be engaged for pigeon and eye photos of auction pigeons. Suppliers of pigeons can choose Columba Photography from 2021 to photograph their pigeons for an auction. Are you a supplier of PIPA auctions? Feel free to contact us if you wish to work with Columba Photography!
Below you see some realizations of the collaboration between PIPA en Columba Photography: pictures & videos national winners & auction photos. Columba Photography was also delighted to photograph the last 71 original Van de Wouwer pigeons. Following the Gaston Van De Wouwer photo shoot, PEC – Pipa Elite Center decided to have all PEC pigeons photographed by Columba Photography in the future. Thanks PIPA for the opportunities and the trust!